Thursday, November 21, 2013

a ukrainian proposal

As I have already said dozens of times and in a variety of different ways, living in Ukraine is an adventure. Which I absolutely love. I mean, I may or may not have eaten a granola bar made of bull's blood today. (and when I say "may or may not have" I mean "most definitely did.") Did I know it was made of bull's blood before I ate it? No! But that's part of the adventure! And now my hemoglobin levels are just skyrocketing. I can feel it.

My adventures range anywhere from trying food, teaching 3 year old Ukrainians, going to the grocery store, trying to get off the metro, trying to get on the metro, being yelled at on marshrutkas, attempting to leave the flat while not wearing tights (my host mom dies a little inside every time my bare leg shows), and being pursued by men.

Yes indeed. That last little category of adventures has probably been the most adventurous of them all. (ok, minus our 3 hour stint on the Ukraine/Hungary border during the middle of the night in which I accepted the possibility that I might not ever see another sunrise) I haven't really talked about this part of my experience much because I mean, why would I? Sure, maybe it's given me some reassurance. Now I know that if I never find a guy in Provo, there's always a drunk Bulgarian that would be happy to take care of me. Am I right? (please. tell me I'm not right.)

Most of them just talked with me briefly, invited me to one thing or another, and then were gone from my life. Others have been more persistent, asking to hold my hand, take pictures with me, or adding me on facebook when I panicked under pressure and couldn't think of a way to avoid telling them my name. (Plus I'm just a terrible liar and the only name I could think of in the moment, other than my own, was Penelope Clearwater)

Yes. It's been an adventure. And I haven't shared because I didn't want anyone to worry unnecessarily. hi grandma. Please know that I am absolutely, perfectly safe. I ate a granola bar made of bull's blood remember? I'm untouchable.

But when I got the following in my facebook messages, I knew it was time to share.

"Hello, I want to be very open, I am looking to start a permanent relationship with you without any kind of limits. I am aware that you may have to many options, but this time it's my turn if you reject me it would be a lost in this life for a couple to find eternal happiness so I will wait for you to respond and invite me to get to know each other and later the one and only for life and yes I am proposing you to get married if you and I are honest, straight romantic and clear about your life goals."

So who knows? This girl might come home with more than a nesting doll and some chocolate for her souvenir.

peace and proposals


1 comment:

  1. First of all: NO.WAY.
    Second of all: I literally died at the Penelope Clearwater bit. Tooooo good.
