I have been the extremely flattered recipient of a common compliment for the last nine and a half years. 2005 was the year that Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants changed the world. Girls everywhere started making bank accounts with funds to one day visit Greece and find their own Kostas. That same demographic decided that sharing anything and everything was the only way to truly show your dedication to friendship. Lice reports skyrocketed as brushes, bows, and berets made the rounds. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
It was the time of Blake Lively. And apparently I had found my doppelgänger.
Wow, even she's really excited about that.
I mean, I guess we have the same color of hair. I don't really know. But after being told that I look like her for probably the 93rd time today, I started reevaluating my appearance by reviewing old photos of myself. Because who doesn't love a good self-stalk-shesh?
hashtag. abbreviations are still in.
The result of my stalk was that yes, I do often resemble figures other than myself. Are they as glamorous as the wife of Ryan Reynolds? You be the judge. Because you better believe this is about to become a list of people and things I have resembled in my lifetime.
1. When my family took a summer hiking vacation to Glacier National Park and my dad told me to go pose on a rock, I ended up looking like this flamingo about to take flight.
2. After two days of living with new girls in a new apartment my sophomore year of college, I found some gloves and a hat in the front closet. Naturally I adorned the apparel and paraded around, ultimately scaring my new roommates, who probably thought they had just moved in with The Cookie Monster.
3. Put me anywhere, anytime, and I will find a way to sleep. A bench on campus? Easy. The floor of the Kiev International Airport? More difficult. But I found a way, like unto the Pokemon Snorlax.
4. I saw a ladder. I thought I would be the epitome of grace upon climbing it. Instead, I ended up looking like the man from "Singing in the Rain." Minus the rain, plus a harness.
5. Walking down the street in Burgas, Bulgaria. A camera was pulled and I was directed to pose. In my mind I was "vogue." In reality I was "Gumby."
i mean, how does the human anatomy even allow me to do that?
6. I was in St. George and it was windy. So naturally I become the women from "The Prince of Egypt."
that's some niiiiiiiiiice typography.
7. And lastly, Smee and me. Me and Smee. We are the same.
And there you have it. Whether you wanted it or not. Have a good weekend and go hiking.
peace and identity crises.
that's the plural for crisis. i looked it up because i didn't know before just now. #eternalstudent