Friday, November 5, 2010

Midnight Marauders and Neighborhood Newsies

It's that time again! The time when I recount the crazy things our FHE brothers pull off in this thing we call a prank war. And  this one is good.

The story begins many weeks ago...

On a crisp, fall night, under the CLOAK OF DARKNESS, a secret knock was heard on the door of a secret room. As the door was opened, the guest beheld a sight that could only be described as impressive. Within this secret room, protected by a secret knock and disguised by the MIDNIGHT GLOOM, resided a dozen or so young men, all dressed in suits, prepared for the nights' events. The meeting proceeded as the guests were instructed via powerpoint what exactly they were choosing to put themselves through. Preparation and gathering of materials would take weeks. Execution would need to be exact and thorough. The group would have to be ready to act in an instant seeing as there was no definite date of implementation. It all depended on when the girls would leave the apartment...

Saturday, October 30th, 2010.
7:00 pm- The residents of 2312 departed from their home in order to attend the Halloween stake dance. They were excited about their newly created costumes and anticipated seeing what their FHE brothers would be dressed as.

After locking the doors, THEY EMBARKED.

7:30 pm- The moment the young men had been planning for had finally arrived. They placed a spy at the stake dance in order to recieve verification on the attendance of the girls at the dance. Once confirmation was given, the boys went to work.

(Notice whiteboard with plan mapped out)

 The fruits of their long labor

11:00 pm- The girls return to their home. They had noticed while at the dance the absence of their brothers and wondered what they could have been up to. Slightly dissapointed, they walked into their kitchen...

Was it filled with newspaper? AFFIRMATIVE.

Did they have fun in it? AFFIRMATIVE.

Will they retaliate?