Monday, May 12, 2014

all i do is win

I think it's time that we all take credit for the difficult things we do each day. Every sunrise comes with a new set of challenges and here we are, living day to day and facing those trials over and over again. It's rather incredible and we should recognize that. We should recognize our triumphs as well as the triumphs of those around us, because I mean really? We're all in this together. cue high school musical dance.

But because I don't really know what specific victories you have claimed, I'm just going to share a few of mine. I know, I know. My incredible humility is daunting to behold.

Victory #1: Last week I wore my retainer. This is significant because I don't like wearing my retainer due to the pain it causes me, the lack of sleep it produces, and the fact that it makes me sound like a congested prepubescent boy with an over producing salivary gland. mmmmm. aren't you curious now? Despite all these reasons for aversion to the instrument of torture, I donned that metal contraption and laid me down to sleep. It was a rough night and when I woke up I felt something sharp and uncomfortable jabbing into my back. Half asleep, I reached behind me, grabbed the object, and pulled it out to examine, realizing that during the night I had subconsciously removed my oral gear and had instead slept with the disgusting thing in my bed.
umm....1 point for me?

Victory #2: I've been running again lately to which my sister would and did respond to with "wow...that's surprising." and last week ran a 5K with my dear friend and former coworker. A victory, no? Given, I ran it in a time twice as long as what my little sister can do it in, afterwards realized I had my shorts on inside out the entire time, and my competitors ranged from the ages of 5 to 12...the majority of whom beat me.
ok. maybe half a point for me.

Victory #3: After listening to my roommate and friend from across the street talk smack about their Super Smash Bros skills for 17+ minutes, I came from behind and destroyed them both. I literally obtained victory via Starfox. Although I guess I just ran around avoiding people and trying to figure out what the different buttons actually did. In fact, my character spent the majority of the game trying to figure out how to get out from behind a barrel, which he eventually did. So add that to the victory list.
2 points.

Victory #4: I participated in an arm wrestle...wait. That doesn't belong on this list.
negative 7 points
why am i giving myself points?

Victory #5: I washed not only my sheets, but my comforter cover as well. While this is a success, the true triumph comes from the fact that I then managed to put the cover back on the comforter. I tell you what, there was never a more difficult challenge presented to humankind than trying to get a bag of feathers to lie flat inside a rectangle of cloth. The corners never match and it eventually gets twisted and you somehow find yourself inside the cover instead of the comforter, sneezing dozens of times over because there are feathers up your nose.
1 point.

Victory #6: I consumed an entire carne asada burrito from Betos. And didn't vomit immediately following said consumption.
this deserves no points.

So....this list backfired.
But here's a picture when I actually was cool.
Please note that my current dislike for pants obviously started from an early age.

peace and personal victories.
here's to hoping yours are better than mine.


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