Monday, May 19, 2014

utah lake

One of my most cherished past times is to take "personal adventures." It's when I do my best thinking minus the shower because let's get real, i've solved world hunger, scripted exactly what i would say to Harry Potter if he was real, and chewed out Putin to the extent that he exiled himself to Siberia while in the shower. These adventures are times to refocus, get outside my comfort zone, talk to strangers, and appreciate my surroundings.

I've given Utah Valley a bad rap before no, i literally made a bad rap about Utah Valley but the truth is it's a good place. I'm happy to be here and there are some beautiful areas. Man I feel like breaking out into the state song, which I have done on multiple occasions in the last 48 hours. It's normal.

Yes I am so vain that I use the self-timer. But I mean come on....that light though.

I'd suggest going out into the world to see what it has to show you. You might even find even find a little cove where people to do drugs. But only if you're lucky.

peace and scooter rides.


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