Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fulfilling Expections

This post will contain FOOD, FRISBEE, AMUSING SITUATIONS, and more FOOD. Viewer discretion is not advised. I mean come on, this is what you're supposed to do in college...right? We're just living up to the great expectations placed on us.

First, FOOD.
Catherine was supposed to keep me from eating all of the SKITTLES.
She didn't do a very good job.

Thanks Cash.

Second, FRISBEE.
(or to be cooler, 'friz')
Monday night usually brings about fun activities.
This week it was frisbee golf.
Some of us are really good, some of us aren't.

Needless to say, one got stuck in a tree.

Thursday night around 12:30 a.m. I received a phone call. After debating about whether or not to answer, I decided to see what these people had to say, and chose to answer. Not wanting to disturb my slumbering roommate, I meandered into the kitchen, closing my bedroom door to diminish the noise I would be creating while chatting. I was surprised to find that ALL of my roommates were sound asleep. (see, we have some good habits) Not wanting to disturb them either, I closed the kitchen door as well and continued on with my conversation.

At the end of what was a quite pleasant chat, I hung up and went to my bedroom, looking forward to getting back into my comfortable bed and being reunited with my pillow. To my astonishment and dismay the bedroom door had locked while I was gone, making the reunion with my pillow impossible. Knowing my roommate was still in the room I decided to attempt to get her attention. My resolve was not very strong for Catherine is a sound sleeper. After knocking and calling her name for a few minutes I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that I would not be sleeping in my bed that night. The result?

That wonderful night was spent on the kitchen couch which is about half as long as I am tall.
I did not have a blanket so I made do...
with a damp towel from the bathroom.
Mmm, sweet dreams.

The best part was the following morning when I related the nights events to my well-rested roommate. We both agree that we have never laughed so hard at 6 a.m. in the morning.

-There's a first for everything.

Fourth, (and fifth) more FOOD.
I know that a common concern for college age students is that they never get enough of the right nutrients. Their food pyramid becomes quite obscure and rarely  represents a pyramid in the slightest. The girls of 2312 Whitney Hall realize this and I would have you know that we are keeping ourselves very healthy. We make sure to have almost all of the major food groups:


We have lots of dairy.

(and *meat, *vegetables, and *fruit)

More *grain (scones)-
A major part of this balanced breakfast.


As you can see,WE'RE DOING GREAT.

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