Thursday, July 24, 2014

this is unnatural

You know why we, as humans, are designed to sleep for a good portion of the 24 hours allotted to a day? Because when we don't sleep our brains suddenly go into hyper speed and the next thing you know you've completely rearranged your class schedule, planned out your graduation, whitened your teeth, applied to a job, stared at the fish swimming in its tank for an undocumented amount of time, re-rearranged your class schedule, created a budget for your less than meager income, and written a blog post. And to think I could be dreaming of living in cotton candy clothes.

Instead I'm sitting on my couch trying to decide between a class on public ethics and one entitled "Jurisprudence." I kind of really want to take them both but they're at the same time so I guess I'll just have to talk to Hermione about getting one of those time turners and now I realize that my brain has stopped thinking in punctuation so let's just all get on board with a huge run-on sentence except I'm not good at running so I'm bagging that now.

The point is, we are meant to sleep. Obviously. And I am here at 4:49 AM going against what my body was intended to do. And I'm wearing my retainer. Which is a completely unnatural contraption.

And now here are the last 4 photos on my phone, just to satisfy your curiosity.

peace and pillows
it's time i made up with it.


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