Monday, July 28, 2014

men and mountains

For a long time one of my favorite lines in literature was "What are men to rocks and mountains?" It adequately portrayed my view of the male population in general and I used it to make it seem like I was well read as well as a hippy. These allusions are ones that I still work to maintain in my current life, which I accomplish by throwing the peace sign up in all situations, wearing sandals to literally every social event, and carrying a book around. You know, just in case I get the sudden urge to better my mind in the middle of the meat aisle.

Anyway, the quote makes it seem like enjoying men and nature are mutually exclusive occurrences. I'm here now to adamantly declare that they are not. In fact, when combined, the result is an increased appreciation of both entities.

Did I say an increased appreciation?
Oh yeah, I did. 
Good, just checking.

I rest my case. 

peace and red beans


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