Thursday, November 3, 2022

parenting hack

I'd like to start by saying thank you to the eleven people who have expressed interest, support, and enthusiasm for this endeavor. I'd also like to thank the hundreds of others who at least didn't say anything mean. This place is a community and I just feel safe and like I've really found my people, you know? 

Minutes after sending that first post into the web-sphere I saw a video on instagram validating me and my quest for less, which I took as a sign from the universe. According to this account "studies show" that having less stuff in your home could improve your child's behavior! I do not know what these studies are! But hey, that eliminates some guilt I feel for wanting to get rid of toys! And it fits into my already comfortable world view! And she has hundreds of thousands of followers so that's basically the same thing as a peer reviewed paper! We're going with it!

Day two of No Stuff November was a hard day because motherhood. But as I brushed my teeth and realized I hadn't actively found anything to get rid of I decided to open my bottom bathroom drawer and see what I could see. In less than two minutes I know it was this amount of time because my toothbrush doesn't trust me to properly clean my teeth and counts for me, which is valid and only slightly patronizing of quip and also a selling point for me I found 4 things to throw in the trash.

Here we have a plastic pouch which contained a manicure set Harry got this from his last employment. While I held on to the clippers, file, and tiny little scissors baby steps guys I got rid of the pouch. 

I found my retainer, which says enough about my orthodontia habits, and gave myself permission to be rid of it since it doesn't even fit over my teeth anymore. And technically it was both the case and the retainer, so plus one on my body count. 

This is the box my engagement ring came in. I told Harry I was letting it go and he gave me a little grief about that until I reminded him that I still have my wedding rings and he is 0 for 3 in our marriage. He responded that his commitment to me isn't represented by a piece of jewelry and I said the same holds true of this box.

And lastly, tweezers that have no right to be called such.

Moral of this blog post is that, in less than two minutes, you can rid your home of clutter and get perfect children. Just look at me. 

body count to date: 26

peace and nap time

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