Monday, May 16, 2011

If you beg it...they will come.

(I hope that some people got the movie reference there. If not, please click here.)

Anyway....I had visitors this past weekend. But not the kind that Kevin Costner did in that trailer you just watched. (Or skipped over) These visitors were real. They weren't attractive baseball players in uniform, but they brought me joy. I give you Amanda Mo and Cashwen. (Amanda and Catherine)

I begged.
They came.
We chatted.
Pictures were taken.

We missed the other three, Kate, Bridget, and Ariel. I mean, come on you guys! Utah is where you're supposed to be.

PS. All of the girls mentioned in this blogpost are my former roommates. They all went home for summer and left me in Provo by myself. Fortunately Catherine lives close and Amanda was in Salt Lake for a wedding. Hence, I BEGGED. And they came, bless their hearts.


  1. Coolest post yet! Wow you are really stepping it up. Finally decent material. PSYCH

  2. Oh come on. We're better than attractive baseball players any day.
    I love you Momma! :)

  3. Rachel, FYI: I would have been the first one there if I was in Utah at that time. no question about it. I wish I could see you guys! Maybe I'll just have to make a special trip down to utah before you're done and go to montana. :)
