(wait. what's an ode?)
this is the holiday when i revel in the ingenuity and creativity of others.
because people are cool.
especially on BYU campus.
my coworks and i didn't dress up.
we both concur that it stresses us out
we both concur that it stresses us out
but when there was a break at work we went out and became paparazzi.
so...maybe that was our costume?
yeah. let's go with it.
and that's not a costume.
President Cecil. O.
in the flesh.
behind the guys head
we shook hands.
i think he remembers me from when i gave the prayer in devotional?
even if he introduced me as rachel WELLER.
but...no hard feelings.
but here's the kicker.
aka. best moment of my life thus far.
i give you, the coconut guy from monty python and the holy grail.
peace and president samuelson