Tuesday, January 22, 2013

mlk weekend p.1

well sheesh.
did you all have as fantastic a weekend as i did?
i certainly hope so.
although i also hope you somehow managed to be more productive than i was.
i mean, is it really tuesday already? 
do i really have beastly homework due at the end of this week?
and it's already tuesday!

but i mean, it's whateves. 

this weekend i was able to spend time with some seriously fun people.
and since my sister has informed me that she's been waiting for me to blog about the trip to logan, here i go.
thanks for the support becksterpenny.

friday evening:
after a brief holdup due to some broken clippers and partly cut hair (don't worry, it all turned out fine. seriously funny.), we said our prayer and went on our way, good ol' caravan style.

the playlist (at least in sneaky) ranged from lion king to michael jackson to high school musical to tyrone wells.
the fact that i REALLY need to modernize my cd library was reaffirmed.
yes i have cds from when i was 13.

we arrived at the house and were welcomed by a homemade meal courtesy of mi madre.
we ate on the ping pong table.
and crowded around the fire.
and short-circuited the lights because of space heaters.
and played games.
and shoveled the iced over, snow covered driveway.
thank you boys.
and watched star trek.
anastasia was outvoted. sad. day.

after waking up and figuring out how the heater works, the girls made breakfast.
we were joined by the guys later.
we ate. played more games. finished cutting the previously mentioned hair. went and saw the logan temple. came back for lunch. i taught everyone how to play bohnanza oh boy. challenged the pingpong champion to a match. was subsequently defeated by said champion but at least he was nice of enough to say i was kind of good. "one of the better girls he's played." i'll take it. went and ate a sink full of ice cream. journeyed back to provo.

unfortunately it was realized last minute that i had forgotten the memory card for my camera. 
fortunately bridget pulled through.

photo cred to bridget lewis.

details of the trip that didn't fit into the general outline above, but made the trip memorable:

*me insisting we listen to the same song several times so that everyone in the car could hear the best part. it finally came and...wasn't even that impressive.
why is that always the case?

*singing kumbaya together and having my mom remark on how warm and fuzzy we must all be down at the y.
she went to the u.

*catching a dollop of whip cream in our mouths after launching it off our wrists.
while this was entertaining in general, the pingpong champion's attempts were the greatest by far.
in the first attempt, the whip cream barely made it off his hand before hitting the floor.
in the second, the force used resulted in whip cream stuck to the ceiling.
everyone in the kitchen died as he sat there, looking at it stuck to the ceiling.
funniest. thing.

this photo cred goes to catherine.

*strobe light party in sneaky
we didn't get pulled over.

*personal hygiene jokes
"we don't have to shave if momma isn't showering."
i couldn't tell if they were being serious or not though? 
i mean come on, i don't have to wash my hair everyday, do i!?

*teaching newly returned missionaries what a hashtag is and then allowing them to instagram for the first time.
natural instagram talent right there.
minus the typo.
house? i think he meant hand.

*sharing our fears on the drive back to provo
deep water, moths, needles, and armpit-sweat-marks are serious business.

all in all it was one of the better three day weekends i can remember.
and i haven't even gotten to part two of the weekend.
you can look forward to reuniting friendships, missionary homecomings, cookie making, crashing on skis, and hunger game whistling.
yeah, my family has fun.

but for now i'd like to say to all of my friends that made the time to join me on this trip,
thank you.
i think you're all awesome.

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