Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The Russian word of the day is дедушка. It's pronounced "jdedushka" and translates to "grandpa." (compare with бабушка, or babushka, for grandma) This is the word of the day because yesterday I did Macklemore proud and went to the thrift store, where I'm pretty sure I bought and wore a Ukrainian grandad's clothes. Or, a дедушка's clothes. What can I say, I look incredible. And have totally mastered the Ukrainian pose. #ducklipsforlife

I know you were all so worried that you'd never see another selfie of me because my phone is no longer in my possession. Don't worry. I've obviously got it covered. There's no getting between a girl and her selfies.

And oh my gosh did I just do an "outfit of the day?!"
 #ootd #styleblogger #sothisiswhatitfeelslike

The jacket and shoes were purchased at the thrift store. Because someone was super smart and brought shoes that make her feet bleed. And my host sister and mom insisted on the jacket because they have some that look just like it. We're twins now. Precious. no but really, it is. They take such good care of me. Speaking of jackets, I wish I had a picture of what went down in this place last night. The second night I was here my host family invited me to go skiing with them in December. Obviously I was all over that, but was sad because I had no ski clothes with me. My host dad said he'd figure something out and last night he pulled out his old ski jacket and had me try it on, including a helmet he must have found somewhere.

It buried me, but dang it, it'll work And I'll be the most attractive skier on the slopes come December.

In other news, I'm still teaching English. The kids are adorable, especially when 1:00 pm hits (or 13,00 as they say here) and I get to say, "Goodbye! Goodbye! See you tomorrow!" Yeah, that's when they're most adorable. And I guess in this picture too.

I teach a class full of girls. It's a party. They give the most precious hugs.

Although...should I be worried about this?

Well, now that I've showered, emailed, drunken my herbal tea (given to me by the bishop so pretty sure it's ok), eaten my Ukrainian cake/eclair wonder thing and blogged, I think I call it a night. Yeah all you Americans, it's nighttime here.

peace and marshrutkas
someday i'll tell you about my experiences on these beauties



  1. Rachel. I'm sitting in the library dying laughing at the last picture/comment "should I be worried about this?" Like literally as i'm typing this i'm still trying to stifle a too-loud-for-the-library laugh.
    Thank you. My exhausted brain needed this.

    1. Hahaha oh Jannette. Your comment made me laugh! If this really did bring some sort of happiness to your life while in such a lonely and lost place, then I count it as a success. Good luck with school!
