Monday, September 23, 2013

slumber party in ukraine: you're invited

Ok guys. This is a safe zone, right? Like, the things that are said within this circle cannot ever be said outside of the circle because that's just totally against The Circle of Trust rules. (yes, this just became a teenage girl slumber party. quick, share your crush so we can prank call them! and yes, we are watching A Cinderella Story 3 times in a row because Chad Michael Murry is just so hot! {you were just introduced to my teenage years. thoughts?})

Well that was a schpeel if I've ever typed one. Let's get back on track. Safe zone.

The thing is, I'm getting fat. I realized that tonight as I looked at my bowl full of mayo/bologna/egg "salad," the bread with visible chunks of lard (i don't know if it counts as butter) and my soup of meat fat. Ok, I'm not getting fat. I've already reached that goal. I mean, these hips are not lying to me, even if I wish they were. Between the previously mentioned meal, the cakes, eclairs, and endless supply of European chocolate, I might have to reserve an entire row of seats on the airplane back.

I voiced these concerns to my coordinator here and she comforted me by saying that two weeks before I leave she'll give me a pill to take once a day and I'll lose 10-15 pounds in those two weeks. She has them imported from China. Um, can you say miracle?
 I'm obviously going to take them.

I still love it here with all my heart, even if I turned all my clothes blue while doing laundry today. #smurfsinvadeukraine #jk #itsjustme

And now just a few pictures from my walk home from school. Because dang the weather was good for about 8 minutes.

 this is how everyone parks

^^^this is my building. i can see my room...

I love my life. Do you understand how happy I am? Because I could go into more detail if you wanted...

peace and pears
they are so good here. and everyone grows their own. and i'm just like "ok, i'll have 9"


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