Friday, September 27, 2013

happy at st. andrew's

Guys. Things here just keep getting better. I've had bad days for sure, but for every bad day I have I get a week of spectacular ones. And even on the bad days I end up being pretty happy because Bruno Mars will come on my ipod and tell me how my hair falls perfectly without me trying, even though it's completely soaked through and plastered to my forehead. #yep #didnteventry. Or I'll crack myself up with Ukraine puns (sometimes I think I'm the most clever person I know). I'll be happy because babushka gives me medicine for my stomach/throat, keeps a bowl of cookies on the table, and offers applause when I play the piano for her.

I'm happy because the little girls I teach know my name and draw pictures of me holding flowers, even if my body is a square with 4 sticks poking out of it (actually, that might be a pretty good rendering of my current appearance...I mean, did you read what I said up there about the bowl of cookies?!)

I'm happy here because of the little things. But then I go and have crazy fun adventures around Kiev too. Earlier this week two other teachers and I went and explored around Kiev. I wanted to find a place called Andrew's Descent. Look it up on google. Ok fine. I will. CLICK HERE. Did you do it? I even set it to open in a new window so you don't lose your place on my post. I know, I know. I'm super considerate.

Anyway, see why I wanted to find it? Well, we wandered and wandered. I finally took out my camera and started taking pictures like a tourist. And then we were approached by a couple and after a few words finally realized we were being spoken to in English. We made friends with the Canadians who picked us to talk to because apparently I have a neon sign above my head that reads "I'm taking pictures of this wall so obviously I'm American!" #redwhiteandblue #throughandthrough #murica

Anyway, they had a map and told us where to go. So away we went. It was one of the best times I've had here. Although I say that about everything I do so....

yeah, i've tried my hand at being hipster a few times


and my future husband

"i *heart* borscht"
among other things

st. andrew's cathedral

friend and fellow teacher Jerem looking crazy cool

helloooooooo kiev!

 co-teacher Amanda and I ready to go to church

beautiful view at the top of the stairs

waffles so good you' them

chocolate and banana

caramel, banana, kiwi

If you are nice enough to look through all my photos on facebook then I'm sorry for the double post. But I need to do this so my beloved family (who don't have facebook) can see what's going on in my life. Because like, I think they care.... jklolhags. i know they do.

peace and packing
our europe tour starts tomorrow!


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