Thursday, February 27, 2014

status update

I am currently sitting in a computer lab on campus shivering like the drowned cat I so closely resemble in appearance. Not only did I get minimal amounts of sleep last night thanks to a take home midterm, but it's raining outside as opposed to inside? yes. I have one coat with a hood on it and that coat is my skiing parka. Which is fine. I love that coat because it has cool zippers in the armpits so I don't get too hot while shredding the gnar. if you didn't laugh at my use of that phrase then don't worry. i'm laughing for you.  And you know, keeping me from being too hot while skiing is actually pretty difficult to do. I mean, have you seen me ski?

sarcasm. sarcasm. i more often than not fly down the hill with no sense of control with my poles flying all over the place. i should probably figure out what the heck i'm supposed to be doing with those by now, right? 

Anyway, I didn't wear that parka coat because the walk to school is uphill. And no matter what the temperature outside is, that walk will cause you to enter your first class with that stunningly terrible, sticky, moist feeling of sweat all over your upper body, especially on your neck under your hair. Blech. I think that might be one of my least favorite things ever. Along with being called "dude," "man," and "bro." I mean really? I know that sometimes I struggle with the whole makeup/hair/outfit coordinating thing that so defines my gender but come on. I'm not a "homie bro."

So I didn't wear that coat, the only one with a hood, in order to prevent my body from feeling like a handful of melting Skittles. So my hair might be dripping wet and drying into what I could only describe as a mullet Billy Ray Cyrus would envy.

And I wonder why I get called "man."

In other news my lower back is killing me. I'm holding to the argument that this pain has been caused by carrying a backpack around all day and am completely dismissing the more probable hypothesis that I was shaking my hips too hard in Zumba and pulled a muscle or something. Because I mean, who does that? me. i do that.

You know what else I do? Watch the Olympics with my family and then become inspired and perform feats of incredible physical ability. Prepare to be amazed.


Stay strong mi amigos. Do Zumba.
peace and hip thrusts


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