Monday, February 11, 2013

found the one

today i...

have a sunday hangover.
does anyone else know what i mean?

went to my 7 am cycling class.

almost got motion sick during my cycling class.

have a little bit of a headache.

look like a sprite remix can.
purple pants. pink sweater.
whatever. i'm rocking it.

arranged for the toilet in my apartment to be fixed.
basically it exploded.

played phone tag with the toilet fixer for too long.
lets get real. any phone tag with the toilet fixer is too long.

waited for the toilet fixer to arrive.

was relieved when he left and our toilet had been fixed.
i know. 
you were worried how that was going to turn out.
but let me tell you.
you do not appreciate having a functioning toilet until you are being glared at by the 7eleven cashier because you didn't even try to look like you were thinking about buying anything because you were already ashamed of being in a 7eleven on a sunday but really just needed to use a toilet.
you also don't appreciate having a functioning toilet until you are rationing your liquid intake in order to keep such trips to 7eleven at a minimum (9am and 11pm).
i apologize for the details.

felt like everyone was staring at me when i walked across campus.
seriously. everywhere i looked people were already looking at me.
#vain. #iknow.
it's probably because they haven't seen such bright colors in over 4 months.

enjoyed two strawberry creme swirl dove chocolates.
taste great. look AWESOME.

the chocolates told me
"Get swept away by love."
"Chocolate. Always your Valentine."
i wonder which one most accurately applies....
guess i found the one.

realized that one of my biggest pet peeves is when girls wear sweater-type boots and the soles of the shoes are not squarely underneath their feet, resulting in them walking on the side of boot.
...does that make any sense?

was told to tackle a professor by someone in the deans office.
mmmmm. i'll pass.

have silver sparkle stuff on my eyelids.
i just...was so worried about the toilet that the next thing i knew i was putting this stuff on my eyelids.
maybe that's another reason people have been staring.

still feel like i want to go to glacier.

going to the sun road
53 miles long
3263 net change in elevation
21 feet wide
two lanes

so maybe i snapped these photos while we were driving up the road.
aka. teetering on the side of the road looking down hundreds of feet into the valley.
yes i did man the steering wheel on this road at least once.
yes it was a thrill.
yes i made it but then was too scared to parallel park on the side of the road.
i don't call my dad "daddy"

since when did the sky become white?
oh yeah. since the entire western half of america was burning all summer.

logan pass
6646 ft elevation
known for springtime wildflowers and mountain goat sightings

hidden lake
trailhead starts at logan pass
only 3 miles round trip
hike down to lake sometimes closed due to bear sightings

hey sister sister!
greatest. show. ever.

endless mountains.
{smiley face}

why do my legs always do that?

don't worry. 
there are still quite a few more photos to come.

peace and peacocks
animal with the closest coloring to me right now.
...i don't know whats with bird comparisons this post.



  1. Okay you are hilarious, woman! This post seriously made my day. Also, I totally know what you mean about the sweater-type boots. hahaah that drives me crazy! Since when is a sweater an appropriate material for foot ware?

    On a side note....can I be your valentine? I miss you. And your hilariousness.

    1. Invitation to be your valentine accepted. Feelings of "missing" reciprocated.

      I don't know why I'm talking like a robot. What I'm trying to say is, yes. I miss you. I love you. I'm waiting for you to update your blog.

      Message finished.
