Thursday, March 21, 2013

a normal day

*While walking to class this morning, I overheard a girl talking with her friends. Her friends had obviously just been on a run and now they were stretching on the stairs leading up to their apartment. My first thought was, "It's too cold for the length of your shorts." Then I got distracted as I crossed the street. After making it safely across, this gem of conversation came harpooning towards me from their discussion. i say harpooning because this girl had a very loud voice. "I wish just one boy would love me instead of all of these guys! I just don't know what to do with all of them. It has to get better than this."

I hear ya sistafriend. Can't keep the boys off either. It's a hard life we live.

*At work I helped my boss set up Olive Garden salad and breadsticks. It's always fun to set something up the way you think it would work well, and then have someone else look at it and then just change everything about it. i gave up when i was deemed incapable of straightening the forks and napkins. After this I went back to man the desk in case an emergency copy job suddenly appeared. About 6 minutes later, a professor came rushing in asking where my boss was. Worried, I said that I didn't know if she wasn't in her office. The professor looked at me in an anguished and stressed way, almost pleading for me to say it wasn't so. I stood up and asked what was wrong, how could I help? "There are no drinks set up down there. There's nothing to drink and we need something to drink. Fix this." I moved to look down the hall from the glass door I sit behind, watching as a dozen or so professors, all with Masters in education or higher most with doctorates milled around, confused as to where to get their much needed beverage. My eyes then drifted to examine the drinking fountain located 2 feet from where they were all standing. I turned to the professor, who had been joined by another professor informing me of the dire circumstances and said, "I'll see what I can do for you."


*I was wandering around the basement of the bookstore, trying to find very specific items for a professor. On the fourth walk down the same aisle, I finally found what I needed. I deliberately counted out 10 items and moved towards the cash register with the other 10 items I had also acquired. Upon putting these 20 items on the desk, I told the nice looking cashier but who was probably a freshman. yikes. that there should be 10 of each. He picked up the stack of notebooks and started scanning them, me watching him do it because there was nothing else to do. He scanned them all and turned to me and said, "There are only 6 here."
"What? No way, there are 10."
"Sorry, but there really are only 6."
"...No, I counted them. Here, let me see."

I looked up at him in disbelief to see him laughing good-naturedly at me. maybe he wasn't a freshman? Confused and embarrassed I went and got 4 more notebooks, turned them over to him, and asked him to check to make sure I had gotten the right amount.

"Hahaha, yep, looks like you got 10 now. Now for the folders."
"I swear I go to school here and graduated high school and everything. I even learned how to count to 10 in the last 15 years of my education. Except for that one time I thought I was 6 feet tall in 3rd grade..."
"It looks like all that education paid off. You have 10 folders. Hahaha, thank you for making this day so much better than it was. not a freshman I can't wait to tell this story to my friends ok. he was a freshman and family." ARE YOU A FRESHMAN!?
"Hey, I'm glad my stupidity brightened someone's day. Have a good one."
"You too."

I heard him chuckling as I walked away.

Like I said sista-friend-from-the-beginning-of-this-post. I can't keep them off me.

peace and spring skiing
hopin for some good stuff on saturday. comeon comeon comeon


summer is coming, right?
2012 montana trip
view of the ranch

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