Wednesday, March 20, 2013

this is how we celebrate

On March 15th my dad turned 53. Today, March 20th, my little sister turns 17. that's definitely the weirder of the two. Last weekend we all got together and spent some quality time outdoors to celebrate their births. My mom arranged for us to go to the driving range at a nearby golf course.

Now, we're not the greatest golfers you've ever met. Yeah, my dad is pretty good, and so is my mom.

Spencer can hit it pretty far and does a good Happy Gilmore impression and seems to think that yelling "booooosh!" right before hitting it will make it go further. Annie's never golfed before but had hurt her shoulder climbing earlier that day so watched as we all made fools of ourselves.

Wes is good at everything once he spends some time at it, so by the end of the evening he was looking good apparently it was in the wrists? Rebecca has nice calf muscles see picture below and insists that, because she took a "college class on golf," she knows what she's doing, which she kind of does actually. i admit that after listening to her "head down, knees bent" i got my best hit of the evening.

snazzy golf gloves

there's definition in those things even when they're unfocused...

Being the token diva of the family, I embarrass them all by wearing boots and jeggings to the course and Caroline is all legs with crazy hips and runs around doing her own thing, like hitting four balls one right after the other.

yes this is what i wear golfing.
hopefully my grandpa queed doesn't see this.

i wish i would have gotten Caroline hitting all of these on camera.
it was spectacular


So basically we're the best golfers you've ever met.

nice rebecca

 the prep

 the back swing
and sweep the grass.

Other stuff happened. We thought we were going to get kicked off the range for being loud or just not good enough, but then it turned out ok.

dad spent 4 minutes trying to get these to balance.
and then up and did this.

he's better than i am.

Once we did a few putts and teased dad about his hat, we called it quits and headed home for a delicious meal. The theme was colors. Can you tell?

After dinner we gave presents and ate strawberry pie with graham cracker crust. I fell asleep in a chair but woke up when I heard talk of "whip cream on her face." That should be my new alarm clock. I've never forced my eyes open so quick.

The Burninghams left for Provo and the rest of us decided to watch Skyfall because my mom got it for free. Our DVD collection just jumped up to 9! After difficulty figuring out the surround sound, the different remotes, and the BluRay player, my family lives in the 20th century we finally watched it all. Commentary via everyone was obviously provided and made it that much more enjoyable. "that's a flare." "skyfall is the name of the deer?" "WHAT'S HIS NAME?" "that guy has watched that house for how many years and then it just burns down? sad day." "where did james play as kid? who were his neighbors and friends?" "he played in the woods." "of course there's a train coming." "since when is Shanghai so hi-tech?" "no, those lizards really eat people." 

So now that my creativity is completely drained, I'll end.
Happy birthday to Caroline!

peace and putters

1 comment:

  1. I see absolutely nothing wrong with your adorable outfit. Then again i've never hit a golf ball outside of a putt putt course sooo... maybe i'm not the best judge on appropriate golf attire. Looks like fun!
