Thursday, March 14, 2013

it was about to be bad

Today was about to be a bad day.
Yes, despite the sunshine I was about to have a bad day. In fact, I did have a bad day. From 11am to 1:06pm it was a bad day. Such a bad day that I almost quit my job. (but only in my head, you know how that goes)

But then my dearest friend called me up and asked if a visit could be arranged. I responded with a "please." (yes I said it in a way that was underlined, bolded, and italicized)  I put up the "will be back shortly" sign and went outside with this gem of a person. We were gone longer than should probably pass as "shortly," but I figure in the long scheme of things, 47 minutes isn't really that long, right?

I told my mom that I didn't quit my job. She responded with a "we all want to quit at one time or another. And then we take a walk and eat some chocolate. I'm proud of you."

Well said, oh wise mother.

I took a walk.
And ate chocolate pie. 3.14 for the world!

It was going to be a bad day.
And then it was ok.

Now I need to get home so I can get out of my jeans and into my shorts. (watch out provo, better put your sunglasses on because these limbs are so white I can't even think of an analogy that would do it justice. Any suggestions? Points for the person with the most amusing analogy. I'll take you out for ice cream or something. wow. am i seriously trying to buy friendship? yes.)

In other news I'm wearing my sandals, admiring the speck of toenail polish leftover from last September, planning for birthday gifts, celebrating a letter FINALLY, getting super sick of sticky notes, and persuading my political philosophy professor that he needs to read Harry Potter. you're welcome world.

peace and pie day.


  1. "Your limbs are so white, the KKK would have to attack themselves for being black."

    Ok...probably too far...

    1. To this I give the most literal LOL that is physically possible. You're the greatest.


  2. i'm finally getting around to adding all you cute girls from the blogger roundtable to my reading list. i got nominated for the liebster award and wanted to share the blogger love so i nominated you
