Thursday, June 9, 2011

Well that made me smile...

Earlier this evening I made the weekly trip to the grocery store. Personally, grocery shopping is one of my least favorite things to do, but as I have begun to cultivate my domestic skills while experimenting in the kitchen (no disasters thus far) it has become less gruesome. It helped today that I had a catchy song stuck in my head and that I had just spent the last 2 hours outside enjoying the nice weather.

The clerk at the checkout was nice as was the bagger. It just seemed like everyone was happy and it was making me happier. I didn't think much of my happy mood, just accepted it for what it was. As I began to load my groceries into the back of my car, something that's never happened to me before happened. Just as I went for the next bag of groceries, two hands appeared and took it before I could reach it. A little bit worried about the safety of my chicken, I looked up into the face of a very handsome stranger. I just kind of stood there as he continued to load the rest of my groceries into the back of my car. I was astounded. This type of thing doesn't happen to me. It's never happened to me. I finally got over my shock and found my words, thanking him for his help. He smiled and responded with a simple, "You're more than welcome," and proceeded to take my cart and return it for me.

After standing there for a few moments, I finally got into my car and drove away, kicking myself for not being more charming and social. Heck, I didn't even introduce myself to him! As sad as that is, I couldn't help but smile all the way home from the store.

Dear Handsome Stranger,
My name is Rachel. I'm sorry for not being able to talk while you helped me with my groceries. I was so astonished at what was happening. Thank you for restoring some of my hope in your gender. Feel free to call me.
That awkward girl you just helped

P.S. Do you always go to Macey's on Thursday nights?

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