Thursday, July 25, 2013

Throwback: Parental Version

It's Thursday, the day for all the instagram pictures to be of little versions of ourselves and the hashtag #tbt to be tacked on the end of every post. Honestly, I love this whole Throwback Thursday thing. Think about it. Everyone with a phone smart enough is uniting in their desire to honor their heritage by looking to the days of old. It's not just some excuse for me to post a picture of when I looked like a blonde Asian child.

But really, tell me it isn't true.

editing job courtesy of me.

Anyway, back to the point. Throwback Thursday! I'm linking up with The Life of Bon again because that was fun last time and memories make me happy.


My parents are superb people who I highly enjoy being around. So much so that I'm desperately trying to finagle a trip to Logan with them this weekend, but that's a story for another day. Or not, because now that I think about it it's not really a story at all so moving on.

My parents have excellent senses of humor. No but really, they might be the funniest people I know. My dad always makes little puns that are terrible and we all roll our eyes at, but secretly we all think they're hilarious. My mom is the biggest prankster I have ever known and I am proud to be her daughter. I think this sense of humor is what makes me love being with my family so much. 

So the memory isn't very specific, which might seem like a cop out, but the memories we've had and continue to laugh about just can't be listed or told on a blog. You wouldn't understand the frustration and relief felt the first time my mom and I pulled the pony trailer by ourselves, the delight my dad and I had when the snow was so pristine and up to our waists and skiing felt like magic, the uncontrollable laughter my mom and I had while hiking Halfdome, the thrill of being on my dad's shoulders while on the very top of the tallest ladder from the church building in order to change a burned out Christmas light at the tippy top of the eave on our house. did you follow that?

Usually my favorite memories of my parents are just when we're around, joking and laughing and teasing and resolving to not tease so much but then following that resolution up with a joke. I love them a lot and if you haven't met them that's really just a shame.

On the Highline Trail in Glacier National Park, Montana

Outside the Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton National Park, Canada 

On the beach in Seaside, Florida

Outside the Salt Lake City Public Library
i have to continue with the captions otherwise it's not uniform and i fail.

 Inside my Weiler Grandparent's old home when I just a baby and looked fabulous in that long white dress.
it'll happen again. 
like, when i dress up as ghost for halloween i mean.

During our river-rafting vacation in Moab in which we dominated Cataract Canyon.
Class 5 people. Class 5.

What's your favorite memory of your parents? Catch the throwback and consider it for a minute. such a stretch i don't even want to talk about it.

peace and parents


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