Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Over the Hill?

To my Dad, Kirk Weiler. Not Kurt, Krik, or Queed (that's my grandpa), but KIRK. Here are some things I love about you. One for every year...
  1. You make it possible for me to be at BYU
  2. You pay for a meal plan that is coveted by those who do not have one
  3. You used to tussle with me when I was a young child
  4. You would put a blanket over your head and become "The Shadow"
  5. You take me on fun vacations
  6. You measure RVs with a log over your head
  7. You always keep the lawn looking nice
  8. You get smug when you say something clever
  9. You did 50 push-ups last year just to prove that you could (51 this year?)
  10. You pay for me to go skiing
  11. You take care of my taxes
  12. You can cook 
  13. You like to be outside and have passed that trait on to me
  14. You made me hike Mount Timpanogos when I was 10
  15. You helped me realize how fun water skiing can be
  16. You taught me how to do dishes
  17. You are a good driver and always get us home safe
  18. You always make sure the hot tub is in good condition
  19. You've helped me with a lot of homework
  20. You taught me how to correctly throw a ball
  21. You have explained 401Ks, taxes, and other money stuff to me many times
  22. You used to let me push you into our pool in Las Vegas
  23. You've provided me with a car ever since I could drive
  24. You taught me how to be more aware of others
  25. You drove Rebecca, Spencer and me down the canyon even though you had a broken collar bone
  26. You are funny
  27. You make your own lyrics to the hymns (Put your shoulder to the wheel push along....We all have work, my name is KIRK...)
  28. You like eggnog
  29. You put up with us making fun of you 
  30. You like to balance utensils and various objects after dinner
  31. Your favorite ride at Disney Land is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (or at least I've always associated you with that one)
  32. You cleaned the windows above the kitchen sink
  33. You quote Shadow from Homeward Bound perfectly 
  34. You quote Shadow from Homeward Bound despite the fact that I always thought it was mean (it's actually very funny)
  35. You yell "Gryffindor!" like the Sorting Hat
  36. You insist on saying dinosaur in a way that rhymes with "hour"
  37. You call Dobby the elf Doby
  38. You made up the word "drow" because it's "word" backwards
  39. You wear knee-braces on both knees, which I think is awesome
  40. You'll often have cuts on your hands/arms and you don't know where they came from
  41. You eat peaches and milk (sometimes)
  42. You had bread soaked in milk as a child and thought it was good...yuck
  43. You did crazy things as a child and I like those stories
  44. You keep a dollar bill in your scriptures to remember that the scriptures are more important than money
  45. You can do a dock start with a slalom ski (can you still do that?)
  46. You taught me how to drive a motorcycle even though I was underage
  47. You suffered through early morning carpools with snobby teenagers
  48. You hit my thumb with a hammer 
  49. You married Mom
  50. You take care of my siblings and me
  51. You are my Dad.
Over the hill? Never.

Happy Birthday Dad. I love you.

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