Monday, April 8, 2013


My dad found this in the yard of our home in Logan.

I know we probably shouldn't be surprised to find remnants of former owners in and around our 134 year old home, but to think that...well...their actual remains, of like, their being are somewhere in our yard makes you double check whether or not you really left that light on. Did you really close that door? Why is the smoke alarm going off? There's no smoke here. What's that sound? Did you feel that? OH MY GOSH I THINK SOMETHING JUST WHISPERED MY NAME! 

Ha. No. The only weird thing that happened this weekend was when I realized I was wearing my Star Trek t-shirt while we were watching Star Trek cue twilight zone music. Other than that, if there are ghosts in our Logan home, I think they probably had a very enjoyable weekend. 

*If there were ghosts in our home, they got to witness Spencer de-tick himself. Yes, there were a total of 4 ticks on Spencer over the weekend. i think he should probably stop climbing in places called "Tick Haven," no?

*If there were ghosts in our home, they got to listen in on an intriguing conversation in which the differences between "being an orphan" and "being orphaned" were discussed. yes, we came to the conclusion that there IS a difference.

*If there were ghosts in our home, they got to see my brother at his prime. Behold.

My glasses and Sports Illustrated. He wore those puppies for 20+ minutes. And I kid you not, he was reading People Magazine directly before this was taken. ...can you see the ticks?

*If there were ghosts in our home, they got to partake in a whole lot of goodness via General Conference. Elder 

*If there were ghosts in our home, they probably cheered for me even though I got creamed by Spencer in ping pong. it was like....6 to 21.

*If there were ghosts in our home, their minds were probably blown by the deep and insightful comments made by Annie regarding current day trials compared to those in the Book of Mormon. #enlightened.

*If there were ghosts in our home, they must have been envious of all the delicious Thai food we consumed. Poor ghosties. Can't eat Pad Thai, now can you? it's pronounced putt tie. my dad speaks thai. don't mess.

*If there were ghosts in our home, they probably followed Caroline and me to the store because they knew only good things could come of that. Things like a conversation with a woman on the sad state of those who wear pajamas to the store good thing I had just, but really, antics of picking the perfect pineapplethe debate over whether or not mom told us to get tomatoes i have a terrible memory and lastly....this.

Caroline is a slinky ninja with bean pole legs and I'm a little kid with a new toy. try not to get motion sick.
It's typical.

*If there were ghosts in our home, I bet they made fun while watching me run for the first time in 3 months. but hey! good news. my lungs have decided to cooperate and I can now breathe while exercising. 

*If there were ghosts in our home, I'm sure they laughed at us.

Don't mess with the magna.

The Weiler hips don't lie.
But that's because they have no rhythm or movement.
At all.

Look at those arms go though.

I could watch this one on repeat all day.

*If there were ghosts in our home they probably would have applauded our fashion sense. I give you socks paired with Chacos. we're going to the next Fashion Week.

We be stylin.

*If there were ghosts in our home, that would explain why our target practice didn't go so great. 

Yes, his hair looks like this with absolutely no effort on his behalf.
maybe his hair is haunted...

*If there were ghosts in our home, they would have wondered why we look so happy when we play games. 

Heck, if I was a ghost I'd haunt us.
Wouldn't you?

 Then again...maybe not.

peace and waterproof shoes



  1. This is a great post. So that little 2 second snippet of your dad? Hiiiiiilarious. Probably funnier than it should be, but you starting to crack up at the end just makes it. I maybe watched it like 10 times in a row.

  2. I love your family, and that earlier post of Caroline- oh my goodness. So great!
