Thursday, April 4, 2013

i share my bed with louis armstrong

By default Caroline and I are paired together when on family outings. It's part of being the singles in the family. Like how I will never make it to the adult table during extended family dinners. #ieatwith7yearolds. We sit on ski lifts together, drive the mini van together aka Silky Milky, are put on the same teams, sit next to each other at the dinner table, travel with the parents, get our own "couple" photo during family pictures see below, and share the same bed on vacations.

Over Easter weekend the family went down to St. George to pull a Cheryl Crow and get away from work, art-festival-craziness it's Egypt this year guys. there may or may not be a camel involved. school, track meets, roommates, code red at qualtrics...the usual. As is expected, Caroline and I shared a room and bed. One night, before reaching the realm of dreams wow. got fancy there didn't i? Caroline suddenly announced, "I never want to share a bed with you again for the rest of my life." Ummm...."Fragment. Consider revising?"

This proclamation might have been in response to my hogging of the pillows what, so I use three pillows? I like my support! the fact that I left the fan on all night and then took all the blankets, have alarms on my watch and phone that I don't know how to cancel, stay up late reading Anna Karenina, or that I maybe smacked her in the face once or twice I must have violent dreams. and holy monoly is that all one sentence? Other than that I have no idea why she doesn't like sharing a bed with me.

I just responded with "Well, you better get married pretty quick then."

But until then, we share a bed.

*does anyone really know the words to that middle part?
*she did this numerous times. Every day.
*don't expect me to be making all them cute videos that people do, ok? sometimes I'm from the hood.

peace and warm up pants
i dressed up yesterday. that counts for today too.


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