Tuesday, May 7, 2013

flora and fauna

I've decided something.

I'm an excellent dater.

No, hear me through on this. I participate in and plan some of the greatest dates. I have a complete blast on these dates and create hilarious memories that can be revisited over and over again, each time creating genuine laughter. I feel comfortable on these dates, expressing opinions, sharing views, telling jokes and being completely amused by the other's antics and stories. I feel so comfortable on these dates that I'll down an entire turkey-bacon-swiss, fries, and a shake at JCW's and not worry about whether I'm being judged. That, or I'll consume more Easter Peeps than is decent to describe simply because I can. I'm completely myself on these dates and the people I'm with seem to like spending time with me anyway.
It's awesome.

There's only one problem. 

All of these dates are with my girls.

I mean, that's not really a problem because I tell you what, we have fun. I also hang out with surprisingly undramatic girls that can just laugh at things and take it all in stride. And I'm all like, who needs boy drama when I can just have fun with the girls? You read about one of my recent friend-dates last time. Well, I'm here to tell you of another one. Actually...more like show you.

That's right! It's picture time!

Lindsay-friend is my go-to guinea pig when I want to take a bunch of pictures because she's beautiful without trying but doesn't take herself too seriously. i had fun attempting to be as natural in front of the camera as she is. look forward to those pictures next time. We also have like, 10 years of memories to revisit so it's cool. Plus we do a pretty splendid job of keeping in touch and knowing what's going on in each other's lives, even if I'm terrible at keeping the boys straight. Pretty sure I've got the last 5 months down though.

Anyway, when I mentioned that I wanted to go to the tulips in a recent blog post yeah people, i'm serious about the stuff i put on here she responded. So we arranged and we went. wow. cool story bro. It was a fantastic date. The day was the most beautiful we've seen so far this spring. The colors were unreal. The stories were hilarious and the walking felt great. yeah, who needs a segway anyway!? actually, they looked super fun. and maybe we tried to seduce one of the guys driving one so that we could take it? maybe. 

Happy scrolling!

Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival
May 4, 2013

The tulips are getting two enthusiastic thumbs up from me.

Did you have a favorite picture? Let me know so that I can like, submit it for judging or something.

peace and a whole bunch of coy fish.
seriously. did you see those things? sheesh.


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